Waking Up With Anxiety? Five Helpful Tips And Tricks

Up to 30% of individuals are thought to have an anxiety condition at some point in their lives. For a variety of causes, people with this kind of mental illness may have symptoms at different times during the day. It is not unusual to experience worry, even in the morning. We’ll look at a few possible causes of these feelings in the morning, followed by a discussion of five strategies you might try to help control them.

Causes of anxiousness in the morning

What are some possible reasons why you might wake up feeling anxious? There are a few typical scenarios, one or more of which might speak to you.

Insufficient sleep

There are many different causes of sleep disorders, including stress, jet lag, coffee, and unfavorable sleeping environments. Not only can symptoms of anxiety disorders cause uncontrollable concern and racing thoughts, but they can also cause physical symptoms that make it difficult for a person to fall asleep or stay asleep at night. Whatever the reason, you can wake up feeling extremely anxious only because you didn’t get enough sleep for your body and brain to recover and prepare you to face the day confidently and calmly.

Anxious dreams

Stressful dreams frequently represent worries that are experienced during the day. These dreams may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night or interfere with your ability to get a good night’s sleep. Worry about the upcoming day

One possible explanation for your early morning anxiety could be that you have an especially difficult event to deal with. You can wake up feeling nervous because you’re anticipating a big meeting or a job interview, for example. Continuous stressors in life, such as a challenging living environment, health issues, interpersonal conflict, or financial difficulties, may have the same impact.

Elevated levels of stress Hormones and Cortisol

One hormone that aids in your body’s reaction to stress is cortisol. Because of the cortisol waking reaction, most people’s natural cortisol levels are highest in the morning. Individuals with anxiety symptoms in general and/or anxiety disorders may be more sensitive to these typical surges in cortisol or have naturally higher cortisol levels, especially in the morning. But keep in mind that elevated cortisol levels may also be a sign of a medical issue, so if you frequently wake up feeling stressed or anxious, you should consider seeing your doctor.

Anxiety disorders in general

Excessive worrying and a heightened sense of perceived risks in daily life are hallmarks of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which can set off anxiety reactions. Stress hormones such as cortisol have the potential to worsen symptoms such as tense muscles, tight chest, dyspnea, and high blood pressure Excessive anxiety is not natural, even though most individuals experience anxiety occasionally. We all occasionally have negative and worrisome thoughts, but when worry interferes with your everyday activities and is not brought on by stressful events, it might be time to consider the potential that you are suffering from an anxiety disorder.

Advice on coping with anxiety in the morning

If you frequently find yourself experiencing anxious symptoms when you wake up, there are a few different strategies you can take to help prevent or lessen the symptoms.

1. Work out

“Physical activity has been shown to be associated with decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety,” according to one study on the subject. Regular exercise can improve mental and physical health in many ways, one of which is a reduction in anxiety. Getting an exercise in first thing in the morning can also help you control your symptoms if you experience anxiety.

2. Practice being present.

Living in the present moment can be challenging when one is consumed by anxious thoughts because anxiety frequently refers to past or future events. Because of this, developing a mindfulness practice could be beneficial if you experience anxious symptoms at any time of day. For example, you can try physical relaxation activities or breathing exercises when you’re feeling nervous as well as other times during the day. With time, you might become more adept at identifying anxious thoughts as they come up and avoiding becoming consumed by them by remaining in the moment.

3. Keep a journal as soon as you wake up.

Finding a method to let go of your anxieties and worried thoughts before you start your day could be beneficial if you frequently wake up with them racing through your head. One method to achieve this is by journaling. All you have to do is grab a pen and paper or your computer and jot down your rushing thoughts and fears in a sort of stream-of-consciousness way. You don’t need to bother about penmanship, consistency, spelling, or anything else: Just writing down your racing thoughts might help you release the tension and feelings they may be bringing, allowing you to begin your day in a more relaxed state.

4. Repeat encouraging words to yourself

Positive affirmations are brief, straightforward sentences that you can repeat several times a day to assist in altering your thought patterns. Try repeating a few affirmations to yourself if you find yourself feeling anxious in the morning, and observe whether they gradually help you change the way you think. Sayings like “I start this day from a place of calm” or “I welcome peace and happiness into my day” are a couple examples.

5. Pay close attention to what you eat.

Mood is influenced by what you eat and/or drink first thing in the morning. For instance, eating a high-sugar breakfast might result in a glucose spike, which can produce a racing heart and other symptoms associated with anxiety. Instantaneous caffeine consumption may have a comparable impact. Having a high-protein, low-sugar breakfast first thing in the morning together with a glass of water could make you feel more at ease and better equipped to handle any stressors that may arise.obtaining assistance for the symptoms and illnesses of anxiety You might benefit from seeing a healthcare professional if your anxiety symptoms are interfering with your everyday functioning, relationships, job, school, or general well-being. Tests can be performed by a medical professional to determine whether a physical health issue could be at play. After that, a mental health specialist can assess you to see if you might be experiencing symptoms of a mental health issue and, if so, provide a treatment plan. If not, they can assist you in creating constructive coping strategies to manage your stress.


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